Tuesday, August 11, 2009


So, I've written about 6 pages in Word today -- translation, like 3 or 4 in Screenwriter. Can't wait to get to a computer with Screenwriter and see the notes from Matt. Alas, right now I am trying to work on it whilst I wonder if the first 15 pages need to be completely re-written. Ack!

Realizing that there really are innumerable ways to write a scene and that's it's just who your characters are that dictate which options make sense. I still think I need to be doing more character work.

In the pages I've written so far today, there seems to be a lot of tension between Robert and Izzy -- maybe because they were the argument scenes? Haha. But really, I am finding it difficult to write scenes that have subtextual meaning/importance for the story as a whole. Which is of course, the whole point.


Working away...

Hope the rest of the class is having tons o' fun.

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to post a note on the main blog, but thought I'd comment directly since you asked. Don't wait for my comments to keep writing forward. Also, don't do any rewriting at this point, just keep going. Save the rewrites for after the first draft is done.
